CI specialist procurement services assist Transport for NSW Organisational Redesign
Capital Insight is providing procurement strategy and management services for TfNSW’s planned organisational redesign. The redesign will bring together the activities of two divisions and review the services TfNSW contracts from the private sector. TfNSW will procure expert advisers to assist in the review, design and implementation of the new entity, and engaged Capital Insight to assist with the procurement.
We developed the organisational re-design framework and the Request for Tender documentation (Statement of Requirements, Tender Schedules and Performance Criteria) and then assisted with the tender evaluation, with all documents meeting probity requirements.
The procurement has progressed smoothly and is a demonstration of Capital Insight’s breadth of skills. It draws on our experience in developing services and asset procurement strategies that reflect a client’s desired risk allocation and alignment to cost, quality and program objectives, utilising alternative forms of control.
More information on our procurement and transaction services can be found at